I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a few days. After a two-week long headache, that started to worsen over the weekend, and missing work Monday & Today due to the severity of what had progressed into a full-blown migraine, I decided I'd better hit the doctor.
Not such a fan of doctors really, but it had to be done...and good thing I went.
I have a bad sinus infection AND an ear infection...aka: tons of fluid in my head causing pressure everywhere. He said until I fix the infections I won't lose the headache.
I've felt like absolutely CRAP lately, and I'm hoping I am now on my way to feeling better. **fingers crossed**
I will post pictures in a day or two when I am feeling a little better. I have about ZERO energy right now and knowing I have to get up and go to work in the morning feeling like crap makes me want to cry. BUT...I'll get through it. I always do.