Jenn Photo & Design

Welcome to IMAJENN...the blog of Jenn Photo & Design!

Jenn Photo & Design serves Northeast Wisconsin and Upper Michigan and can give you rockin' high school senior photographs, family photographs, couples pictures, killer band and musician photos, and just about anything else you can dream up!

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Friday, May 23, 2008

For my "honey-bunny" and my "monster"

My two littlest guys are on VACATION! They are with their daddy's family out at their annual family gathering in Oregon, and I am missing them like CRAZY!

During a normal week while I am driving the boys home from Grandma Cindy's (which is where they spend their days) Luc has to remind me at least three times that... "Momma, I am your honey-bunny, right?" "Yes are my honey-bunny." This conversation almost always prompts Mikey to say "Momma, I am your MONSTERRRRRR" (which for the record I don't call him so I don't know where he got it but it's cute!!)

Sooo, for my honey-bunny...some pictures of his first ever SOCCER game last week! He was so cute and did such a good job! I was very proud!

And for my monster...a little friend he doesn't know yet, but will soon. His third birthday is Monday and this is the present he's going to return home to find! :)

Friday, May 2, 2008


2008 Senior, Bryan waited until THE last possible second...but that is A-OK, because he got BRIGHT, WARM, FRESH spring of my favorite kinds.

Here is Bryan, who, although he KNEW me already seemed slightly nervous. No worries worked the camera like a pro. And thanks to Bryan's fantastic girlfriend, Al for coming along knew how to bring out the true Bryan...MUSKRAT my friends...hahaha...WOW!

He really liked this I laid in the gravel and broken glass (and God knows what else, considering where we were) for this one...hope it works for you Bryan!

Loved this area we found...

I found this paint-job amusing. :)

MY favorite from the session...

And the "real" all-smiles Bryan!

Thanks for a fun morning guys!